

以下原文載於 悉達多本願佛 的網頁 , 
原文的連結 :   宗薩欽哲仁波切的聲明   01.07


欽哲基金會悉達多本願會正見網站蓮心基金會八萬四千•佛典傳譯、或 欽哲辦公室(Khyentse Labrang)查證,以便確定它們是否完全屬實。

以下英文原文載於 Siddhartha's Intent 的網頁,
原文的連結: An Important Announcement from Rinpoche   January 2, 2013 

An Important Announcement from Rinpoche

published on January 2, 2013

These days many, many people claim to represent me, and often attempt to authenticate their claim by showing you photos they've had taken with me, or letters asking for help that appear to have been signed by me, or printed on my stationery. There are also people who try to fundraise on my behalf, but entirely independently and without my knowledge. I would like you all to be aware of this.

While it's true I do sometimes write letters, if you are approached by someone asking you to do something on my behalf that you have any doubts about, please make sure you check before doing anything. If the request really is from me it will be confirmed reasonably quickly. But if you don't hear anything, it probably means the request didn't come directly from me.

So please, if you receive any doubts at all about requests that are said to come from me, CHECK with Khyentse Foundation, Siddhartha's Intent, Almost Buddhist websiteLotus Outreach, 84000 or Khyentse Labrang, to make absolutely certain they are genuine.

PLEASE NOTE: This link goes to the ONLY official Facebook page for Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Rinpoche has NO other official Facebook or other social media pages. And here is a link to the official pages of Rinpoche's other activities: http://khyentse.org
